Lead with Confidence:
Elevate Your Career!

What is the next most important workplace conversation, outside of a job interview, that your employees are likely not prepared for?
Performance Discussions!
Whether having an end of year performance review discussion, a stakeholder meeting, or sharing what one does for a living, more than 50% of entry to mid-level female employees struggle with anxiety when sharing their business impact. We know because we’ve measured this global trend since 2013.
This means women are holding back valuable information on the business results they are driving.
“Lead with Confidence” is available as a 6-hour in-person session or a two-part, 4-hour online format (2 hours each).
The Lead with Confidence Interactive Workshop equips your talent with practical tools to enhance their confidence, to overcome anxiety, and showcase their true value by:
Part 1: Being Heard.
Part 2: Being Seen. Being Strategic.
Master strategic communication techniques to confidently navigate performance discussions and showcase your value-add.
Apply the CENTS™ strategic communication tool to showcase impact and results in key conversations.
Participate in dynamic activities—individual, small group, and large group formats—designed to build real-world leadership skills and foster collaboration.
Discover an executive presence strategy for visibility and brand that sets one apart with strengths and unique qualities.
Explore the transformational impact of mentorship and sponsorship in accelerating career growth and expanding influence.
Engage with your very own senior leaders who share advice and lessons learned.

Who should attend?
TARGET AUDIENCE: Individual Contributors, First-Time Managers, Women in Entry-Level to Mid-Level Management Roles.